The Williamsfield Area Development Corporation (WADCO) was formed in 1991 as a group of individuals and businessmen looking to better the community of Williamsfield and surrounding areas, in terms of population and economics. Its initial goals were listed as “bettering the enrollment of the C.U.S.D., addressing potential economic decline and resources within the community, and encouraging new businesses and service organizations.” From these initial goals, WADCO continues to build upon these and have added some additional goals, like beautification efforts within the community and facilitating new job and business placement.
The mission of our organization is constantly being updated and revised. In the 90’s, the objective was to bring new families to the community while maintaining the strength of local businesses. Our emphasis is one for still bringing in new families (and children for the local school district), but also for encouraging and incubating new businesses, helping to beautify the parks and downtown area, and otherwise revitalizing our community and its residents.
We are proud of our community’s accomplishments and encourage our residents and supporters to feel the same!
WADCO has been responsible for the advertisement and sales of 3 different housing developments in the community, with the third developed in 2009 and still progressing. See Lots Available.
The organization has been utilized also for grant funding and was a key part in the community constructing a new Legion hall and new convenience store in 2004-2005.
WADCO continues to try to improve and encourage the curb appeal of our community. We purchased new “Welcome to Williamsfield” signs in 2009, planted flowering trees in 2014 along Illinois Route 180 and higher trafficked streets within town, and installed hanging banners in 2015 to thank patrons for shopping local and supporting our businesses. Volunteers will install wayfinding signs in 2019 along Illinois Route 180 to promote businesses and guide visitors through our community.
WADCO continues to map the community and surrounding areas for available homes for sale or rent, as well as business sites for sale or lease.
To join WADCO, please complete and return the membership form. WADCO meets quarterly on the 3rd Tuesday of the month (July 20, 2021 is the next meeting) at the Williamsfield Historical Society at 7:00 p.m. Meetings are open to the public and visitors are welcome and encouraged. Annual membership dues are $10 for supporters, $100 for businesses (with a membership, businesses are provided a website or link on Williamsfield.org).
WADCO recently commissioned a market study for the Retirement Center and is exploring a feasibility study next.
The Town and Parks Recycling effort is underway and began with the purchase of receptacles for waste and recycling in high-traffic areas.
WADCO also sponsors community "roundtable meetings."

Williamsfield Area Development Corporation